Как обманывают туристов на пляжах мира

Беспечный турист — находка для многочисленных мошенников, зарабатывающих на рассеянности и доверчивости отдыхающих. Прочитайте об этих подводных камнях пляжного отдыха и будьте начеку.

**MANDATORY BYLINE** PIC BY Annah Ross / CATERS NEWS (PICTURED The Mouse crawls in the lens ) - Two photographers were left a little surprised when some friendly field mice decided to gate crash their photo shoot. Annah Ross, from Sussex, had travelled to Dorset with her sister, Jacqueline, to the remote field that is home to harvest mice that are breed and released into the wild. The amateur wildlife photographers wanted to capture the mice in the natural habitat but half way through the shoot noticed Annah had noticed that one cheeky mouse and climbed on to her camera lens. Annah said: Jacqueline couldnt work out why her camera wasnt working because it couldnt focus on anything. She didnt initially believe us when we said the mouse was on her lens. But I think her expression says it all when she saw. SEE CATERS COPY